Tuesday, February 28

Healthiness on a Tuesday

I went against everything I have ever done in my recent "cooking world" and decided to make this as healthy as possible. This recipe breathes weight watchers, atkins, and all of the above. Now go for the brownie sundae after this sucker... JUST KIDDING.  After all, even Paula Deen is dieting these days I heard a dirty rumor from my mommy today in the allergist that Paula dropped two dress sizes?? Crazy. Power to her but honestly what is the world coming too. Paula Deen= my food role model. Here it is my intention on a crazy healthy dinnaaahh... 

 Ingrediants: Mushrooms, Sugar Snap Peas, Chicken Breast, Power Green Mix (Kale, Spinach, Chard), low-sodium chicken broth, pepper, Crushed Red Pepper Flakes
 Cut up chicken, Oil+heat-----done.
 Once cooked add pepper - and salt too if you want. I didn't and it was pretty good. My parents and I decided we didn't miss the salt in the soup!
 Oil and mushrooms first then Snap Peas
 Add TONS of the green mix, I didn't even think I had enough in my soup at the end, and it looks like a lot here. It shrinks and it's so good and healthy
3 cups broth and all chicken and veggies go into pot. Add red pepper flakes too your liking- I added a ton and the hotness really made the dish. Don't forget pepper- to your liking!

 lettttter get hot.
alll done :) Lookin all healthy and such
ready for swimsuit season hollaahhh
paired with salad with pear and walnuts-YUM

FYI: if you aren't looking to be a complete health nut. I recommend onions, habanero pepper, tomato paste and tomatoes like a ratatouille kinda thing. so delish


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